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Saturday, 18 July 2015

How to make money from twitter search without a website?

How to make money from twitter without a website?

Now if your thinking how can I possibly make money on twitter search engine without a website. Here's a overview of how to scale your campaigns on twitter search and still be making money.

If your already a member of Clickbank, Amazon Associate program or even eBay Network Partners. Then your good to go with those highly reputable affiliate online brand names.

It's always a good practice to choose a very niche targetted affiliate products or services. Because on the next step you'll be guided to effectively sell that product or services on twitter effectively to a very niche targetted audience or rather prospects customers.

Once you've thoroughly done with those steps above. You're set to start promoting your hand picked offers.

You go to twitter search engine and type in -http and the title of your niche offer and hit the search tab. For example; -http Social Media Marketing assuming you selling niche target to social media marketing.

Remember when you type in -http you'll exclude your competitors affiliate link who's selling the same offers as you. Which you will be able to sell only to those wanting to find solution regarding this specific niche area.

Now once your in. Tweet your offers to those who recently posted a tweet regarding your niche specification. Repeat that every 10 minutes by refreshing you twitter search quiries constantly.

Note that this steps do takes a while before you start seeing any returns of your efforts. I know it would quite be frustrating because this is business and should take time before you start selling.

However think of all those time and efforts you should have wasted writing html codes for your sites then promoting your sites. I think it's worth it using affiliate products and twitter search engine to sell them without a website.

If you got some amazing tatics that I haven't mention please feel free to leave them below.


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